
Pre Christmas Workshops 2014

Basia and I  would like to thank you all for booking your children into Art Box workshops and after school Art Club during 2014. Concluding a wonderful year with Our Pre Christmas Workshops of “Abstract Painting”, “Family Collage” , “Ice...

Term 4, 2014

    Our students had there first look at the figurative human form during 9 very creative, imaginative art club sessions. Our aim is always for the young artists to learn skills, through achievable, fun art experiences. -Julia

Spring workshops 2014

  A big thank you to everyone who attended our spring school holiday workshops, we were very excited with the response to our workshop prototypes this season, we always trial and test our workshops, to make sure they are age appropriate, fun, diverse and...

Term 3, 2014

Printmaking and drawing was our focus this term, each week our students learnt how to draw a different animal and from these drawings they would then make a printing plate, calligraphies and foam prints. Basia and I provided two major printing days during the term so...

Winter workshops 2014

We have just finished our very busy, and immensely satisfying three weeks of Winter Workshops, opening up for the extra week for our private school students! How lucky we were with the weather, yes it was cold outside, but we provide a warm space for the art...
Term 2, 2014

Term 2, 2014

Self portrait study in charcoal, pastels and acrylic paint, children had full range of expressing their individuality in the variety of mediums. Pinch pots and sculptures of Beehives for our Earlwood class. Landscapes inspired by Chagall touched on perspective, with...